Real Estate is about Community
Real Estate is about Community.
October 19, 2021
Austin Keisling
It is that time of year again where the leaves change color, the air gets cooler and where we take a minute to reflect and come together as a community. This idea rings true in the world of real estate as well, as your local real estate professionals, we at Providence Realty believe that it is our duty to help build and uplift our community.
For the fourth year in a row, we will be hosting our Annual Food Drive, in support of the “Our Lady of Perpetual Help Riverside Food Bank.” As we help many clients buy and sell real estate through out the year, we can see just how much it changes the community for the better and we just want to ask your help in making our just a bit better. All it takes is a small donation to make a difference in the lives of many throughout our beautiful community. We will be accepting monetary and non-perishable food donations here in our office at 3714 Sunnyside Dr., Riverside CA 92506 up to Thanksgiving Eve. (If you would like to make a
monetary donation, please make checks payable to “Our Lady of Perpetual Help.”)
Last year, we met our goal of $1000 worth of donations, so this year we upped the ante and set a lofty goal of $1500. We can’t do it without your help! There’s no donation too small to make in impact on your community.
Real estate allows us to encounter many people in the area, and comments we often hear include “What is the neighborhood like? We want to like our neighbors.” This shows that people place high value on community when making real estate decisions. People make
the community, not the buildings we live in, but we want to mesh those two together.
If you or anyone you know would like to join our community, please give us a call at (951) 789-1058.